Our core competence is the packing
of machines and plant components.

We stand for individual and tailor-made solutions and have the ideal offer for every task!

These are our company principles:

  • Customer satisfaction is most important for us
  • The safety of the supply chain has a high priority
  • Teamwork is of great importance
  • Protection of the environment by conserving resources
  • Continuous improvement of our performance
  • Open, prompt and complete communication
  • Our quality and environmental policy is absolutely binding for each of our employees

These are our company objectives:

  • Growth through the expansion of our core business
  • Reasonable business success to secure the company
  • Professionalism in our performance and communication
  • Loyal and motivated employees
  • Being the preferred partner for packaging for our customers
  • Customer loyalty by framework contracts
  • Intensified acquisition of our framework-contracted partners
  • Expansion of our activities to border areas of packaging

The scope of our quality and environmental management system:

The packing of machines and plant components, storage and commissioning services and the manufacture of tailor-made export packaging.

Quality policy

Our main objective is to ensure a permanent customer-orientated quality.

A constant high standard in our packaging services, project management and communication is of great importance to ensure a high customer satisfaction.

We have defined specifications and standards for the performance of our work in order to fulfil customer and legal requirements. All intern specifications and documents are absolutely binding for each of our employees.

These are our quality principles:

  • Careful performance of our work
  • Order and cleanliness belong to our


  • We identify and solve our customers
  • We work on the continuous improvement of our products, services and processes
  • The improvement of the effectiveness of our quality management system concerns each employee

These are our quality objectives:

  • Correct control of our core processes
  • Ensuring a high customer satisfaction
  • No quality-related customer complaints
  • Full respect of customer deadlines

Environmental policy

Our main objective is the improvement of our environmental efficiency in the manu-
facture of our export packaging by a constant increase of our environmental performance and a respectful handling of resources.

We oblige to respect the legal requirements which are derived from our significant environmental aspects.

The executive board provides the required resources to implement the environmental
management system.

These are our environmental principles:

  • By our environmental objectives and systems, we commit ourselves to a constant improvement of our environmental performance and to a prevention and reduction of environmental impacts
  • We determine environmental aspects and dangers, evaluate the risks and derive
  • Each employee is obliged to report on weak points which endanger the environment
  • We expect each employee to behave environmentally friendly

These are our environmental objectives:

  • Economic use of materials and energy
  • Reduction and sorting of waste
  • Motivation of our employees to behave environmentally friendly
The continual improvement of processes is our constant endeavour.
The certifications of PTS Logistics GmbH: